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Brand Bharat - Vol 5 - Future from India

Brand Bharat - Vol 5 - Future from India

by   Dr. D. K. HARI (Author),   Dr. D.K. Hema Hari (Author)  
by   Dr. D. K. HARI (Author),   Dr. D.K. Hema Hari (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Brand Bharat - Vol 5 - Future from India

More Information

ISBN 13 9789385254765
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
ASIN 9385254766
Edition 1st
Release Year 2017
Publishers Bharath Gyan   Sri Sri Publications Trust  
Category Social Impact   Historical Fiction  
Weight 400.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 21.00

Product Details

Bharat means to relish light- the light of the Sun, light of knowledge.

True to her name Bharat, India had been radiating the light of knowledge.

A radiance that enlightened the world and provided thought leadership.

India is every sense of the word, had been a Giving civilization- giving both subtle pieces of knowledge as well as gross riches.

But this giving has stopped in the last few decades, since when, India has acquired an image of a Taking Civilization- Taking aid, science, technology, education, fashion, foods, good, ideologies, jobs, lifestyle,...

A leader does not Take. A leader Gives. A leader Shows by living his way.

What does India have to do, to get back to becoming a Giving Civilization once again?

To get back to becoming a thought leader once again! To become a world leader once again! A leading Brand once again!
