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Advanced Quantitative Microbiology for Foods and Biosystems

Advanced Quantitative Microbiology for Foods and Biosystems

by   Micha Peleg (Author)  
by   Micha Peleg (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Presenting a novel view of the quantitative modeling of microbial growth and inactivation patterns in food, water, and biosystems, Advanced Quantitative Microbiology For Foods and Biosystems: Models For Predicting Growth and inactivation describes new models for estimating microbial growth and survival. The author covers traditional and alternative models, thermal and non-thermal preservation, water disinfection, microbial dose response cures, interpretation of irregular count records, and how to estimate the frequencies of future outbursts. He focuses primarily on the mathematical forms of the proposed alternative models and on the rationale for their introduction as substitutes to those currently in use.

The book provides examples of how some of the methods can be implemented to follow or predict microbial growth and inactivation patterns, in real time, with programs written in MS Excel and posted on the Web. It also shows how microbial survival parameters can be derived directly from non-isothermal inactivation data and then used to predict the efficacy of other non-isothermal heat treatments. Featuring numerous illustrations, equations, tables, and figues, the book offers a new approach that resolves several outstanding issues in microbial modeling and eliminates inconsistencies often found in the conventional methods.

More Information

ISBN 13 9780849336454
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 417
Edition 2006
Product Dimensions 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.54 cm
Publishers Indian Books  
Weight 700.00 g

Product Details

Presenting a novel view of the quantitative modeling of microbial growth and inactivation patterns in food, water, and biosystems, Advanced Quantitative Microbiology For Foods and Biosystems: Models For Predicting Growth and inactivation describes new models for estimating microbial growth and survival. The author covers traditional and alternative models, thermal and non-thermal preservation, water disinfection, microbial dose response cures, interpretation of irregular count records, and how to estimate the frequencies of future outbursts. He focuses primarily on the mathematical forms of the proposed alternative models and on the rationale for their introduction as substitutes to those currently in use.

The book provides examples of how some of the methods can be implemented to follow or predict microbial growth and inactivation patterns, in real time, with programs written in MS Excel and posted on the Web. It also shows how microbial survival parameters can be derived directly from non-isothermal inactivation data and then used to predict the efficacy of other non-isothermal heat treatments. Featuring numerous illustrations, equations, tables, and figues, the book offers a new approach that resolves several outstanding issues in microbial modeling and eliminates inconsistencies often found in the conventional methods.
