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7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness and Fulfilment

7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness and Fulfilment

by   Mukundananda Swami (Author)  
by   Mukundananda Swami (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment. The right one will point you to the road to success, to fulfilment and towards an extraordinary life.

More Information

ISBN 10 9388754395
ISBN 13 978-9388754392
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Release Year 2019
Publishers Westland  
Category Personal Development & Self-Help  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Product Details

Thoughts and feelings that persist over time harden into an attitude. If you live with an attitude long enough, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset could lead you off the path of contentment, joy, enlightenment. The right one will point you to the road to success, to fulfilment and towards an extraordinary life.

Blending science with Vedic scriptures, and logic with spiritual insight, Swami Mukundananda unravels the secrets of the 7 mindsets—seven techniques of training the mind and intellect and unlocking the immense potential within. An alumnus of IIT and IIM, Swami-ji brings his decades-long mastery of Vedic scriptures to these powerful yet simple techniques for mind management and life transformation.
