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Footprints and other plays

Footprints and other plays

Sold By:   Vitasta Publishing

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ISBN 13 9789390961108
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 360
Release Year 2022
Author Vijay Padaki
Category Plays  
Weight 400.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 20.00 x 3.10

Product Details

These plays were written by Vijay Pakadi in the Period 1986 to 2002 and represent explorations in combining form with content. There is a humanistic undercurrent in the plays, an affirmation of the human spirit, the innate ability to question the given, so often remaining supressed, and the ability to find alternatives. It is known that a lot of his writing has been influenced by field experiences in his professional engagements. The content of the play has often (not always) begun as a case study, intruiguing in itself, but demanding an alternative perspective. The alternative perspectives have provided the raw material for the play scripts. The play scripts should explain themselves. Footprints is presented as 'fictional science', raising the serious question of the human species being Nature's mistake, the price to be paid by the rest of the earth.
