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Art and Architecture of Dasarna (Malwa) Region

Art and Architecture of Dasarna (Malwa) Region

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ISBN 13 9788188934546
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Author Rahman Ali
Editor 2008
Category Books  
Weight 830.00 g

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Product Details

The present book is a result of the comprehensive and scientific study of the ancient monuments of Dasarna-region (East Malwa). The author has surveyed scientifically the monuments of the area ascribed to the period ranging from circa 600 B.C. to 1300 A.D. The book contains the important geographical features and historical backdrops; glance of socio-economic and religious conditions which inspired and patronized the cultural activities in the Dasarnadesa; study of ancient monuments related with the major sects like the Buddhist, Hindu and Jaina noticed in-situ at different places of Dasarnadesa; study of the Hindu temples built during pre-Gupta, later-Gupta and medieval period, and the study of its defensive architecture and art of the raising monolithic pillars for religious purposes, e.g. Bhumija temple of Udayesvara (Dist. Vidisha) built by the Paramara rulers like Udayaditya. Further, the study of iconography of different divinities related with the Buddhist Jaina and Brahmanical (Saiva, Vaisnava, Sakta etc.) religions and the sculptures of the Yaksha and Yakshinis, which hold the unique position in Indian art heritage.