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Animals in Early Buddhism

Animals in Early Buddhism

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ISBN 13 9788178540948
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 192
Author Arvind Kumar Singh
Editor 2006
Product Dimensions 23 cm X 15 cm
Publishers Eastern Book Linker  
Category Books  
Weight 340.00 g

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Product Details

Buddhism is a religion of Compassion and Philosophy of Being and Existence. Animal does occupy an important position in Buddhism. Animal maintains a delicate balance between delicate balance between eschatology and utopia on which depends the very survival of mankind. The book deals with this complex problem from Buddhist philosophical perspective. The examination and analysis of this complex problem reveals and unfolds the new religion philosophical dimensions of animal world and its profound relation with being and existence. According to Buddhism, animal does from Buddha nature. This book highlights the sotoreological and sacradotal value and importance of animal world. This is original and profound work on this subject.
